Is It Safe To Take COPD And/Or Asthma Medication With BetterLungs?

While all of our formulations are pieced together by a Doctor of Pharmacy, we recommend that you check with your doctor or pharmacist before starting any new dietary supplement as they have your full medical history available.

Does This Help My Lungs If I Vape Or Smoke?

The ingredients in BetterLungs were selected with smokers, and their lung health, in mind. The idea for the product came from our Chief Scientist who wanted to help the smokers in his family and those with chronic bronchitis and COPD.

How long will it take to see results?

When taken on a regular daily basis, most dogs will begin to show results within around 6 weeks. However, after the first 30 days, you may start to notice your dog's gut and digestive health appear healthy and normal.From month 3 onwards, continued use has never been more important. By following the correct directions and regular use, you'll be able to make sure your pup's gut and digestion stays healthy.

Can I Take This For An Extended Periods Of Time?

Most of the ingredients work better the longer you take them, so definitely!

How Long Does It take For This Product To work

While some customers notice positive effects in the first few days, we tell our customers to give the product 4 weeks for maximum effect.

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